Monday, March 06, 2006

Kids unleashed onto the internet....

I really have to say that I hate punk kids that have no parental guidance and have been unleashed onto the internet. I like to play the occasional computer game. I recently installed a new one and have been experiencing some odd behaviour. So I take a trip over to the website of the game publisher in hopes to find the answer to my problem in the tech support forums.

I found two things to be annoying. Seem to be the same two every time I have an issue with a game. First is that there is NEVER an answer to the problem you are having. And second is the inevitable posts by thousands to teens unleashed into cyberspace with a keyboard, a healthy dose of ignorance and a desire to make every other word (real or implied) a swear word.

I think we should lobby congress for some useful laws like making parental control software mandatory.


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